And now in english!
Anyway, does anyone remember those games you played when you were little? Or am I the only true gamer since I started when I was 5-6 years old? Well, this time I'm not talking about the NES games with Super Mario, or the Sega with Sonic. All though I have some fun memories from theese games to.
This time I'm refering to the game I loved so much I always start playing again. Even though it's really boring. Even though the graphic is really bad. Even though there is NOTHING good about the game.
Yes, I'm talking about the "Simfarm"!
I suppouse it has something to do with the fact that I always wanted a farm on my own. And the fact that I always kill my plants within 3 weeks. Now a simulated farm is a perfect way to live my little dream. (With only a couple of pixels to present the different plants I'm in charge of.) The plants never die in the simulated world, even though your cow escaped and destroyed half the field! And the best thing of all, you have a little box telling you what the plant needs or has to much off!
Now why can't my plants on the balcony have those things? Like a little electronic sign that you can program on different kinds of plants. And it can mezure if it needs water, fertilizing or more sun? It shouldn't be too hard for someone to invent that kind of thing, and I know loads of single 30 year old guys would like one! At least if you think about all the plants that exist with the name "bachelor plant". Of course, theese "bachelor plants" exist to be hard to kill, but since I'm able to kill both those and cactus-plants, I need something real hard-core to keep my flowers and plants alive..
Oh well, since I'm not a scientist I'm suppousing I have to keep playing my unrealistic game and dream about having a farm of my own. Or just send an application to "Farmer seeks wife" (a swedish program where farmer's present themself on television to get girls) and hope they would like a girl with a 3 year old son and fingers with the "plant-killing-touch"...
Jag då!?:O Jag läser också!!!
I'm actually very good at keeping plants alive, that's why I take care of all of the plants in the house, including those outside because my family sucks at it! They can kill a plastic flower with to much dust and makes it loose all colour and eventually die (die=looks like hell) so it gets thrown out;)
I would also like to have a farm, I have a plan with a friend to get one when we get older, do you want in? ;) She's gonna take care of the birds and I can take care of the plants so you don't kill them, what do you want to take care of?
And also, my mum thought that a should have applied to "Bonde söker fru", and if there had actually been just one that looked just a little bit cute I might had done it.. if I didn't have to be on television later, it's been enough of that already!
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA, Now you're just being real cute! <3 Of course I want in! I can take care of the livestock! ;) And then we can take our children in school there to learn about farming! AWSOMENESSS! ;)