Not a good start.

I just woke up, and I'm already late for daycare. Wah. Going to try and go swimming aswell...

See you in a few hours.
I'll be dropdead tired, hah.
300 kcal so far!

Oh well,

The raid went fine, I suppose. Tomorrow is a busy busy day. Let us hope I get some things done.....
And I have nothing really to just say, jus wanted to say good night. :)

So good night you all!
I ate about 850 kcal today.

I'm so stuffed..

And this was like 450 Kcal..

Yay, first photos from new phone!

Haven't realised how to acctually post them from phone though. Think it's because of this site, it does not compute with Androids.

So me and Valle went to the park first.

Cold but cosy!

And yet very much fun.

Then Valle rode on his horse..

.. to the library, were we read books.

Now I need to cook though.
Only eaten 400 Kcal so far, so a bit hungry.
But then I'll try and study a bit, before I go raid.
Shangalar needs to stop asking me to come, I can't say no to him, haha.
See you later ♥

I don't understand my phone,

At all. And I mean. At all.
Going to try and study a bit in a little while though...

300 kcal so far today!


I managed to at least pack down all the christmas decorations! Now I just need to carry them to the basement. And Vacuum, alot. But I have this immediate urge to redecorate in the living room now. It's a bit messy in the details, so I'd like to fix it to perfection. But I have no idea on how to though, so it'll take some energy to think about. I am also concidering to buy a guinea pig...... What do you think?

Anyway, busy early day tomorrow!
See you then! ♥


I feel like lying in sofa doing absolutely nothing, wearing the blanket Sandra gave me as birthdaygift. ♥ I'll take a picture of it later an post it, but now the new phone needs to be charged before I use it. My dad bought me a Samsung phone, so I feel lucky! ♥

Otherwise I'm just listening to this amazing song, trying to gather energy to either go and start cleaning until Valle gets here.... Or start with my essay. Feeling a bit stressed since I never start, but yeah. That part of the newyears-resolution was the hardest to keep!

I'll post something later tonight, before I drop dead in bed!


I ate so much cake, I don't know if it's acceptable.. We however had to try one of the recipies from the bakingbook Pernilla gave me as christmasgift! And since Pernila didn't want that awsomely nutty spongecake, we went with berries, berrycream and meringues.

Looks awsome, right? ♥

And we got so many yolks that we decided to make some cookies aswell.

But we had neither vanilla sugar or cacao, so we used a little of both and oboy-powder... And used some tool to form the cookies to look 'good'.
The rest of the yolks, and some eggwhites since Karin failed in seperating them, were fried to my breakfast tomorrow, hihi!

Otherwise, Karin and Pernilla got this amazing idea to enter a datingsite. It was kinda funny to look around, but it's really expencive to acctually use one. For free, you can neither chat or send messages.. Just look around. Bullshit?

Oh well, tomorrow I will try and get that new mobilephone!
And I will go to Sandras apartment and check around. ;)


I did a good job by swimming even though Karin bailed out on me! I had to eat something afterwards though, so now I'm up to 500 kcal. Wah. But I should seriously clean a little and start cleaning. I just.. can't... bother....

Double fail,

Mobile did not charge..  and I did not get up and clean. :D Oh well, I hope they'll oversee my milionth time having a complete disaster apartment! Just need to get to Karin in time, which means I need to start getting ready very soon. Going to meet her in an hour, and I just started eating breakfast, wah.

Anyway, around 250 Kcal so far.
Not feeling too hype.
See ya

Ok, I need to buy a new phone..

I can't get my phone to charge, no matter what I try. And I switched to another one now... but the camera on that one doesn't work, and the buttons has been ripped off from it. So now I have put weights, hairbands and fixated the other mobile to make it charge... So I can take some pictures til tomorrow. Gah.

I hope it'll stay charing for a few hours at least..

And can someone be nice and help me where to buy a new one?!

This is what was made of the minced elkmeat.

Anyway, need to go to bed now.
Up early and
supposedly clean a bit before Karin and Pernilla comes and see the entire mess.
And I need to call the insurance company...
and then go swimming with Karin.
So I can eat the cookies we're going to make!

I've missed them insanely much, so going to be great to just hang out.
Kinda need it, to be honest.

Oh btw, todays song..

Good night

I come to the realisation,

I need a hobby or something to meet new people. I mean, I adore playing games and drawing, but it's not really the way to make new friends to hang out with. And I do not really believe I can small talk in the foodstore or crack up a joke on a bus without seeming like a complete idiot...

So does anyone have any idea on something I could do? :D


Not every woman is supposed to be in the kitchen.

Boardgame evening

We started off with an insane game of 'Hit the hat'. I'm saying it was insane since Valle went absolutley berserk. He both cried, screamed and laughed, seperatly and at the same time..

And I acctually laughed til I cried!

Then I did the most fail thing yet so far. I've been on about that stupid monopoly for days. And when he finally gives in and we're going to play it...

I'm going to go home to my mom and get hers...
Fuck, I really thought I had it.
Oh well we played Risk.

And even though he turned the dices when I was looking away.
So I'd get
some territories.
...I lost.
Guess which colour I am on the board.

Going to get ready for a walk soon.
So see you later ! ♥


Mr. True-epic-meal-time-lover has found a new love!

Which of course both me and Valle watched with him.

To prove his awsomeness, Valle decided to copy and do the exact same thing.
Chug his pucko.
Like santa.

We also went to the store..

When you go with Grovs to the store you always walk home with epic food you'd never thought you'd found yourself buying. Garlic in herbmarinade, fresh broccoli, chiquita smoothies, fresh forestmushrooms, chips from root crops, olive / sesame crackers and..

Minced elkmeat..

But damn he can cook food.

There are no words that can explain how awsome it tasted.

Peas, fresh broccoli, coctailtomatoes and garlics in herbmarinade fried together with pesto, and fried salmon.

Not sure how many calories I am on now though.
900-1000 kcal perhaps?
I'll try and write later, but now we're going to play boardgames, rawr!

So yeah,

I never really posted again yesterday. I blame mr armyman for it. We ate a hell of alot of icecream, and seeing my dinner was about 400 kcal, that made me go plus yesterday. Aw man. But it was to kind of celebrate my birthday. So it feels okay.


I tried taking a picture of all the fun they had, but they kept moving around.
Ruining all the pictures.

Oh well, we watched some movies and such, Boondock Saints and Hannibal rising, read from the Got fight? book, and from the test in it I am a true man, and looked at hemnet for apartments. Overall it's the most fun I had in ages. But I hope I can force him to play monopoly with me tonight! He did promise!

Oh well, 300 kcal so far today, hihi.

Now the mobiel doesn't want to charge itself.

What the hell am I doing with them?!

Anyway, I went swimming my km, so now I can acctually eat a little icecream tonight. Yay!

I also took egophotos, rawr.

You know, I'm never going to be happy with my cheekbones.

And since dinner will be a little late today, I even decide to eat a bit of lunch.

100 Kcal.

That adds it up to 400 kcal so far today.
Wonder how much kcal you can subtract by swimming..?
Anyway, I'll try and post here later if I'm not too busy.


I've been trying to plug in the phone to transfer pictures for 30 minutes now, BUT OH HEEEEEEELL NO. I need to acctually invest money in a new mobile. I've tried putting a hairband around it, and placing it ontop of a small object to alter it's height. The problem now is however that the computer does not recognise it?!

Going to restart the computer...
Maybe that can help..

Ahhh shit memories,

It's storm outside?!

I adore when the wind is blowing and you can hear how the storm is raging outside, but yesterday the wind acctually blew in from the window joints. You could both feel the icecold breeze and see how the candlelights flickerd like mad. There's really no wonder why I keep having blankets around me!

I'm not reallly in a trance mood, but the 'AIAIAIA, I'M A LITTLE BUTTERFLY' is just... very me.

Well I was awoken around 7 this morning, so I'm acctually quite tired. Does not feel good to go swimming in like an hour! Karin and me is taking that 1 km again, yay.

At least I had my 300kcal breakfast! ♥
Containing cottage cheese; 150g, Vanilla youghurt; 150 g, Raspberries; 20g, Blueberries; 20g and sprinkles of flaxseed. Ominominominom?
And coffe, of course.

And yes MOMMY, read the newspaper today aswell. But I'm not acctually going to comment anything from it today, haha!

However this video. I know I'm really behind, but... Shit. Don't you just wish you could do this?
Just lure them.
And give them what they deserve.


I just accidently erased my goodnight message I wrote. I can't bother to rewrite it. Feels like a message that it shouldn't have been posted. :D

About 1150 Kcal today.
Still below 1200, so that's good?

I figured I'm going to watch the movie on channel 6.

Just because it's the most fucked up movie ever, hihi.

So, sorted toys for 2 hours?

And I sneezed like a maniac. Everything is in boxes on a high shelf now though, so only a few will be available at a time. I really dislike christmas invasion of toys. He already got like millions of toys, the last thing my apartment needs is ... more of them.

And look, the drawings have multiplied themselves..

Ate about the same thing as yesterday today.
400 kcal.

And I am not sure if anyone has acctually wonderd, but no Valle doesn't eat exactly the same thing.
He doesn't like neither ruccola, avocado or olives, so he got pieces of cheese, potatoes and glass of milk.

He already ate almost all cheese before I got to take a photo!


Afterwards I made an entire teapot of tea, and we sat down to read.

This picture just cracks me up.. :D

And if he doesn't break millions of hearts when he's grown up...
I'mma eat my hat.

You think I can break some aswell...? xD

7..20 Kcal so far then.
Now I'm going to take a bath before I tuck Valle in.
See you

This just made my day..

'Bara döda fiskar simmar med strömmen'

Is the quote you can read on the bridge when you pass Alvik to Stora Mossen by subway. Translated it mean 'Only dead fish swims with the current'

Quoting todays newspaper in DN, where something has gone terrible wrong for the fishes; "Everyone can make mistakes. Have you then a shoal behavior it can then of course be very many who do wrong".

Just saying, this is what can happen if you just follow without thinking for yourself.


Photo: Jan Petter Jørgensen / Scanpix - Published on DN 2012-01-02 16:23

Since DN doesn't let me share the article (press the button to read!) on THIS blogg site, I am hoping I can just link you to the article, and write down who the photographer is without 'stealing' it.


And we are staying home today.

Valle isn't feeling alright. :(

So yeah, I couldn't get up..

I fucking hate my snoozebutton, it gives me a false sence of having control of my sleep.

2 hours later, Y U NO STILL UP FROM BED?!

A nice goodmorning-music will save my day though!

So I thought about writing something I read from the newspaper today, mostly to prove to my mom that I acctually do read it, but there's nothing that I feel comfterable enough to write about.

Like the new comment about the "internal fights in Socialdemokraterna", where Ylva Johansson and Morgan Johansson wrote on twitter / facebook openly about their opinions about the current work in the party. Ylva commented that "We have to realise that it's the party itself and our leader that has messed up and put us in to the serious position we now are in", and Morgan have then written "Have read about Ylva Johansson act out in her blogg. The creep shooting has to stop now. Our voters have a right to demand that we gather and conducts politic instead of internal squabbles".

Now I know very little about politics, but when they now decide to keep a person leading their party that at one point lost all his credibility, wouldn't it be a wiser move to acctually  show a complete unity and gain back some of the confidence they lost? It's very understandable that people have different views on what happend, who's to blame and what the best action would be to now take, but if you're one of the larger parties in Sweden is there really room for offical personal thoughts when a decision has already been made? Because any sight of weakness gets picked up by media and the whole thing gets to be worked through again.

But yes, I am not really comfterable in discussing this since I honestly don't know enought about politics and leading a party. I just figured some tactical moves, like Moderaterna used, would be working better in the longer run. But Hey, what do I know.

Now I'm going to get dressed and pack incase my brother will tell me to go Erikdal.
And so far it's like.. 320 kcal.
I misscounted on my berries... :D


My raiding got fucked because the computer kept logging me out of both WoW and Vent. Going to comfort myself with eating that last meal I wanted. 300 kcal. Will end me at 1150 kcal. Seems good enough.

Maybe I should get to bed early aswell, so I can get up early and start the cleaning of Valle room? All the toys have scatterd into different boxes, and nothing really belongs together with the other. One major sorting assignment ahead of me, but eventually it'll be for the best. Then again, all the christmas boxes are blocking the storage area, so I'll have to start take down all the christmas decorations soon aswell.

And boy do I want that waterboiler. Takes ages to make tea.

Good night!


My dinner!

Contain 450 kcal..
That makes it 850 kcal so far today.
I long for my next meal!

Going to cook food soon,

Just wanted to listen to some music and post theese pictures before I go!

So we went swimming together with Karin!

First me and Valle were on the kidside, and splish splashed while Karin were swimming, and then I got to swim my 1 km while Karin was with Valle. I felt a bit woozy afterwards, since it's been such a long time since I've done it. Valle did however not really want to leave, and claimed that he wanted to go bathing with Embla. So tomorrow we might acctually do that!

Coffee with Jesper, Embla and my mom.

After alot of splish splashing Valle needed recharing, and an enormous cake was of course the way to go!

Jesper was of course also photgraphing..

And Embla is just.. adorable!

But now I'm going to cook food.
Only had 400 kcal so far today.

Gooooood morning!

I have nothing to write here really, just thought I'd post something before I run off to swim and drink coffe!
And please.... Remind me... PUSH ME... to clean when I come home!

See you tonight!

Oh, and so far.. 300 kcal!
Bye. ♥

Good night everyone!

See, I'm trying to keep my new years promise. Going to bed at 01.00, setting the alarm at 09.00 tomorrow!
Or well, I'm going to read a bit while in bed, but it's a nice relaxation aswell.

Tomorrow I'm going to go swimming and meet my mom and my brother and his family for coffee. Yay!

Song bestest Castorr linked me. :)

Oh, and 850 kcal today...
Going to eat more tomorrow.

Soon 21:00, and so far so good...

Well yeah, I didn't clean........
I did dishes however!

But my eating-better-promise is so far so good! A sallad containing about 250 kcal's. The ony downside with it is the lack of proteins. I added kidneybeans and feta, but I think it's too little. However I will eat once more, so it's not that bad if I get hungry. Only eaten 550 kcal's so far today...

So what to do the first day of the year?

Yes, one of theese amazingly boring posts! To be honest, I should clean.  And as they say, what you do during this day will be what you do the rest of the year. I really would like it if I clean every day the rest of the year...

But I will probably end up playing World of warcraft.

Oh, and so far.
About 300 kcal today.

2012, another fresh start?

Just to set the music I both ended and started the year with. I thought about acctually becoming active in the blog now that it's a new year. Also because I'm all alone in this apartment and acctually have some spare time!

So what new years resolutions am I to make?

Well, I've figured the main promise I am making to myself for this year is to be nice to myself.

This will include trying to eat, sleep and live better. Find confidence in myself, and love myself for who I acctually am.. and not let anyone or anything acctually bring me down.

This is since I find myself all alone on a new years eve together with Valle, and I'm having so many desperate thoughts in my head.. it's embarrassing. I was alone throught out almost all my childhood, I crave for attention and acknowledge to not believe there's an acctual wrong with me. If I'm ever to be happy, I need to find my selfacknowledge to be enough. I need to be strong in myself.

Deep thoughts creates a deep personality.

But to the more easy resolutions, yes... I am going to try and eat better. Counting calories again. And pick up my swimming. Not only because I feel fat, which I obviously do !!!!, but because I acctually feel better without sugar rushing through my veins.
I also deeply needs to start studying more, I have only one final term left in school and I don't want to blow this, and sleep better to not gain all theese weird black outs.
And god do I need to start cleaning better! I want to fix the apartment alot better now aswell, buy some boxes and such to start storaging away things! And get a lamp in my hallway, and some nice cloths...
I also want to improve my painting. It's something meditating about it, so I don't understand why I don't do it more often really.
And then to copy what Pernilla wrote to me... "Do more fun stuff".

So basically;
  • Eat better.
  • Start swimming!
  • Sleep better (More regularly).
  • Clean more... and organize everything.
  • Plan studies and put alot more time to it.
  • Make sure to do what I feel better from doing, not what I feel obligated to do.



So now to how my birthday acctually was!

Well... I drank coffe with my mom and ate a piece of cake. She also bought me 6 new awsome glasses..

New years eve celebration was more in focus this year, since I were celebrating it together with Valle!

So how my new years eve was!


Eating infront of 'Flushed Away' on tv.


I made some of the crackers already, but the thought was to afterwards pick what you wanted.




We also continued with eating chips, dumle and watermelons while watching 'Garfield' and 'Heffalumps'.


I acctually tried looking nice, just for the sake of it!




Our version of banana split!



We sat playing some boardgames together waiting for the new year strike. Valle having trouble keeping awake after a while..


But of course he managed!
I had some troubles lighting the sparklers, and it was bloody fucking cold outside, but after 30 minutes Valle went in and fell asleep immediatelly. And I watched the chinese lanterns in the sky.


I figured I could post some pictures from christmas aswell... :)


Our gingerbread house.

Lucia at daycare (Yes I took some of Robins photos :DDD)

Eating and drinking after performance on Lucia.

More Lucia!

Our Christmas tree!

It looked really good!
Then again, he made it fall today on my desk... not so purty anymore.


Our kitchen window with attempted 'snow'!


Livingroom window..


The flowers Karin gave me.

Christmas morning!
Valle tried to guard the balcony for so long the night before, he was really surprised he still woke up in his bed.. and santa had deliverd presents under the tree!

But happy!

Or Well...
I told him to open up that present before the big one.
Valle not amused.

Then he got to open his big parcel!

Which he got happy from!

Happy happy!

Well, that's all I am going to post for today, hehe.

Happy new year everyone!
Hope it will be amazing!

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